POLITIK itu "kebanyakan" LICIK.

Para Calon Wakil Rakyat yang LICIK akan Pura-pura Me-Rakyat ketika ada Mau-nya? (Biasanya di Masa-masa Kampanye mereka) - [di saat-saat tersebut, segala macam rayuan/bujukan berbentuk materi dan modus mengumpulkan simpatik massa = digencarkan dengan kekuatan Full (apapun cara dan rintangannya)]

Setelah Jadi di ATAS = Wallohu 'Alam...

Lalu, kita harus pilih yang mana?

Jawabannya ada di Hati Nurani anda masing-masing (karena hati tidak pernah bohong)

Kita Berlindung kepada Alloh SWT dari segala Mala Petaka yang disebarkan Syetan (baik dari Syetan Jin maupun Syetan Manusia)

Jika toh menurut Hati anda disimpulkan "CALON tersebut Tidak Baik & Tidak Benar" = Kenapa Harus Dipilih?...

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Just for Introduction from me...


Hi, I am Ayahama. I am an InstaForex Partner and I am a Pinbar Trader. You can learn about Pinbar on my other site here.

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27 February 2009

iPod Safety Guide Manual

Short Description
Keep the iPod Safety Guide and the features guide for your iPod handy for future … adapter other than an Apple iPod power adapter to charge your iPod. …

Website: manuals.info.apple.com Filesize: 43kb

iPod Safety Guide
This safety guide contains important safety and handling
information for Apple iPods.
Keep the
iPod Safety Guide
and the features guide for your iPod handy for future
Important Safety Information
Handling iPod
Do not bend, drop, crush, puncture, incinerate, or open iPod.
Avoiding water and wet locations
Do not use iPod in rain, or near washbasins or other
wet locations. Take care not to spill any food or liquid into iPod. In case iPod gets wet,
unplug all cables, turn iPod off, and slide the Hold switch (if available) to HOLD before
cleaning, and…


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